Award Category:
Secondary Resource or Equipment – ICT
Each application must be supported by at least two testimonials or case studies from schools or colleges addressing the following:
- The innovative nature of the resource
- The online or ICT based impact on learning that is used by the teacher and the work of the teacher in the classroom and to what extent and in which areas
- How the resource supports or enhances the everyday life or work of teachers, pupils or schools to deliver the curriculum
- Cost-effectiveness in terms of educational aims and results – not just price. Judges will expect to see details of price.
- If products have been updated or revised, then the details of these changes must be provided. Products need to have changed substantially to be accepted.
N.B. To qualify for the ICT category, non-hardware resources must contain an interactive ICT element for use by pupils during lessons. To qualify for any non-ICT category, resources must not contain an ICT element, though components such as a teacher’s book or downloadable worksheets, teacher guides, audio and video files or audio recordings are acceptable. Evidence must be provided that they are marketed by the supplier as a non-ICT resource. If the supplier also sells them as an ICT product, they can only be entered for an ICT award. It is the responsibility of the entrant to persuade the judges as to the suitability of their product in each category. In the event of any query regarding eligibility for any category, the judges’ decision is final.
Word count:
1500 words (supporting evidence & testimonials are accepted in addition to the word count)Submission deadline:
Your entry should be submitted no later than 5pm on Thursday 27th February 2025ERA 2024 Winner: Secondary Resource or Equipment – ICT
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