Award Category:
Supplier of the Year – Over £10 million annual turnover
Organisations that are registered as a charity, limited by guarantee, Community Interest Companies, or that are public sector organisations will be registered for the not-for-profit category. Private limited companies, or PLCs, should apply for one of the three other Supplier of the Year categories, depending on the size of their revenue.
The Supplier of the Year awards will be presented to suppliers and/or distributors that supply educational establishments (either directly or indirectly) with high-quality, safe products appropriate to their everyday teaching and learning needs. Nominations from suppliers may cover several of the following criteria:
- How their product range or the service they offer meets the needs of schools today and how they have supported their staff and customers.
- How they demonstrate outstanding customer care and an exceptional standard of service to education
- Provide at least three testimonials or case studies from schools and colleges
- How they are developing an awareness of and a responsibility towards sustainability and the environment
- Include relevant marketing material to help prove their case
All companies entering Supplier of the Year may additionally submit a maximum 2 minutes digital presentation together with their entry form and required criteria.